Caleb had suggested that we should check out Scitech after two traveling exhibits stopped in Harvey over the past few months. So we did. And it was so exciting and interactive that we stayed at the science centre for more than four hours. We even went back to the car to get our picnic lunch to eat inside.

Welcome to Scitech, we will now take your heat image photo. Is there any place our kids won't climb? Well, it might as well be safely on a climbing wall.Scitech had a Search and Rescue exhibit. It had numerous interactive displays explaining the science behind fire fighting, ocean and surf rescues, knots, pulleys and ropes, mapping and coordinates, canyon rescues, television news reporting and much more. As you can see the boys were ecstatic about jumping into the 'sea' of balls.
Jackson: "Help me! I am drowning in the sea!Caleb: "Just wait, I got to help this kid into the life raft first."
Another section had an area especially made for 4 to 7 year olds to play. The most fun was had using pulleys, inclines, chutes, wheelbarrows and foam bricks to build to wall. Demolition was just as fun watching them smash down the foam bricks to start again.
On Sunday our hosts, Pam and Steve, took us out canoeing on the Swan River. Pam and Steve are friends of the Spraggs and have graciously hosted us Walkers on numerous occasions. A special thanks goes to them for all the welcoming hospitality they have given us during our stays in Perth. It was an early paddle as we had eaten breakfast, loaded and unloaded the canoes, paddled for an hour, and were back to the house by 9 am. The boys did so well as they were entertained and sat still for the entire ride.
On the way home, we also stopped at the WA Museum to check out the Aboriginal exhibit that was closed during our previous visit.
ORIGINAL NOONGAR MIA MIA The traditional shelter of the local aboriginal people and a kangaroo cape to keep them warm during the winter months. |
The original boomerang (and not those touristy ones found in the shops) and some spears, throwing sticks, and spear throwers as well. |